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Lucas Edwards
Lucas Edwards

[S2E1] Lord Baltimore

While continuing his battle with Berlin, Red receives intelligence from a Cameroonian warlord that a person named "Lord Baltimore", an information broker, hired a bounty hunter to kill him. Meanwhile, Liz goes through the process of annulling her marriage with Tom, and is unknowingly under surveillance by an unknown party. During the investigation into Lord Baltimore, the task force questions Rowan Mills (Krysten Ritter), a supposed victim. Further investigation into Mills reveals she is actually Rowan's twin sister, Nora Mills, a covert operative who suffers from an engineered dissociative identity disorder, and is also the actual Lord Baltimore. Red learns during his brief captivity by a Mossad agent, Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marnò), that Baltimore's intended target is his ex-wife, Naomi Hyland (special guest star Mary-Louise Parker). Liz attempts to evacuate Naomi, but her team is ambushed by a kidnapping group led by Mills. While Liz successfully captures Mills, Red attempts to rescue Naomi at a designated apartment only to find a locket instead. Red later receives a package with a cell phone provided by Berlin, who taunts him that Naomi will be sent to Red "piece by piece", proving this when Red finds a finger in the package. Harold Cooper returns to his role as the Task Force's acting director after a visit from Reddington.

[S2E1] Lord Baltimore

Red je v Kamerunu, kde se snaží zjistit jména lidí, které Berlin najal, aby ho našli. Dozví se, že jedním z nich je jakýsi lord Baltimore, který pomocí analýzy dat z internetu dokáže najít i zdánlivě ztracené osoby. Agent Aram se ho snaží identifikovat tak, že sleduje neobvyklé pohyby na účtech specialistů velkých datových firem, a narazí přitom na Rowan Millsovou. Ta při výslechu jakékoli napojení na nelegální aktivity odmítá. Ukáže se ale, že pochází z dvojčat a existuje možnost, že její údajně mrtvá sestra Nora stále žije. Aram další analýzou nalezených dat zjistí, že Berlin nehledá Reda, ale nějakou ženu. Situace se vyjasní, když Berlin unese Reddingtonovu bývalou manželku Naomi.(TV Nova) 041b061a72




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