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The college-level courses noted below have been contract-developed for the FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Project by, in most cases, practicing college/university faculty. The primary intent is for college and university faculty to add these courses to their curriculum, drawing, in whole or in part, from the material provided below. These college courses are not taught at FEMA's Emergency Management Institute.
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This short on-ramp is a great place to start and showcases the latest Packet Tracer user interface. Sign up below and you will be directed to the self-paced course in our new learner experience on
Once you finish the Getting Started course, jump in and explore how Packet Tracer can help you learn networking. Practice using Cisco Packet Tracer to set up, manage, and monitor a small office network in this interactive course.
The J.B. Speed School of Engineering is at the beginning of a multi-faceted project to incorporate the Paul-Elder model of critical thinking across the undergraduate engineering curriculum. This is in part to fulfill the University wide quality enhancement program titled "Ideas to Action: Using Critical Thinking to Foster Student Learning and Community Engagement". The program begins with the Introduction to Engineering course, ENGR 100, where critical thinking and the Paul-Elder model are explicitly taught. Implicit and explicit instruction of critical thinking continues in upper level courses. The purpose of this session is to investigate the intentional and transparent inclusion of critical thinking and the Paul-Elder model into specific engineering courses by examining some of the techniques used. The courses discussed in this session will be the Introduction to Engineering course, Differential Equations (a common engineering sophomore level course), co-operative seminars \ co-operative reports, and a senior level Electrical Engineering course.
The Paul-Elder critical thinking model is a useful resource for faculty who wish to explicitly structure critical thinking into their assignments, assessments and course design. Faculty at the University of Louisville are infusing the concepts and language of the Paul-Elder model into their instructional design decisions as part of their quality enhancement plan (QEP) required by their regional accrediting agency, SACS-COC. Because the model provides a common language and structure for the teaching and learning of critical thinking across the undergraduate curricula, faculty from different disciplines and departments can utilize it in their courses. University of Louisville faculty will share their exemplary use of the Paul-Elder model in a panel discussion of a junior-level sociology course, a freshman human anatomy and physiology laboratory course, and a large-lecture introductory psychology course.
The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) provides these courses for new employees, contractors, and affiliates. If you currently do not have access to DOI Talent, you can stream or download the courses from this page using a desktop browser. The courses below are compatible with Windows-based PCs and require access to Chrome, Edge, or Firefox.
Anyone requiring access to the DOI network must complete this course. You must complete this course in a single sitting; there is no bookmarking. It may take up to 90 minutes to complete the course, so please ensure you have enough time to complete the training before starting. If you close the course before completing it, you will have to start over.
You must save a copy of the course completion certificate and provide a copy to your supervisor. If you do not save or print the certificate when you reach the final screen, you may have to retake the course to access a new certificate. It is best to connect to a printer and print the certificate or save a pdf file immediately.
Federal Government information must be protected and used properly. DOI Staff and partners need the guidelines to manage, protect, and control the information they utilize and share. This course introduces the Federal/Interior Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Programs and covers key CUI terminology, concepts, purpose, goals, and objectives.
This course clarifies transit benefit requirements, emphasizes internal controls to minimize fraud and abuse, and addresses the ramifications of non-compliance. The course also offers real-life scenarios to enhance your understanding of your roles and responsibilities.
IMPORTANT: To ensure the file set you are downloading matches the book you are using, compare the download file name to the part number of your book.I.e., the SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essentials manual (English) is part number PMT2200-ENG, found on the back cover. The download that goes with this book is part number (22 is the version, 00 is the code for Essentials).
Tip: Place cursor over the icon in the Notes column to see additional information specific to a particular fileset.NOTICE: A recent change in Chrome may be inhibiting download of some of these files, in particular the older .exe files. Try Right-click, "Save link as..." to download.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering an updated web-based training series on the assessment and coding of Section GG. This training is intended for providers in the following post-acute care (PAC) settings: Home Health Agencies (HHAs), Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs), Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs), and Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs). It is designed to be used on demand anywhere you can access a browser. This training series consists of three courses:
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering a web-based training course that provides an overview of the assessment and coding of the Drug Regimen Review standardized patient assessment data elements (SPADEs) found in the Medications Section of the guidance manuals.
This 45-minute course is intended for providers in Home Health Agencies (HHAs), Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs), Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs), and Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs), and is designed to be used on demand anywhere you can access a browser.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering a web-based training course that provides a high-level overview of how data elements within CMS patient/resident assessment instruments are used to construct quality measures (QMs) across post-acute care (PAC) settings. The PAC settings included are those covered under the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Quality Reporting Programs (QRPs) for Home Health Agencies (HHAs), Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs), Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs), and Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs). Information covered will include a short review of the QRPs' cross-setting quality measures (QM), how data elements feed into these cross-setting QMs, how QMs are calculated and appear on QM reports and how to access and use this data for quality improvement.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering a web-based training course that provides an overview of the assessment and coding of pressure ulcers/injuries. This 90-minute course is intended for providers in Home Health Agencies (HHAs), Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs), Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs), and Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs), and is designed to be used on demand anywhere you can access a browser. The course is divided into the following six sections and includes interactive exercises to test your knowledge related to the assessment and coding of pressure ulcers/injuries.
If you are having trouble downloading the program files to your computer (stating you do not have permissions to download the files to locations known to be okay on your computer), try changing the extension of the download file. For example, if it is HEC-RTS.exe, try changing to and download. Then once the file is downloaded on your computer, change the file extension back to HEC-RTS.exe. Then use 7-zip to "unzip" the executable file.
They can be used as standalone courses (zip or 7z file which includes iso, exe, html or html5 formats) or integrated in your local LMS system (scorm format). Download and unpack the format of your choice using a file archiver/compressor software, for example 7-Zip, WinZip or WinRar.
Whether you want get a copy of what was shown in a course, or just the ability to view some items offline, many of the pages and files in D2L Brightspace can be downloaded onto your computer. Below we will go over a few ways you can download files within a course, as well as how you would go about accessing those files on your computer after downloading.
When you view open an HTML file in your browser you will notice that only text and basic formatting will be shown. Links, styles and images may not be shown or visible. With that in mind, it is a good idea to check the HTML files before the course shell closes in D2L Brightspace. If you see anything that is important on the page within D2L Brightspace that is not showing in the version you downloaded then you will want to make note of that.
As an additional technical resource for analysts and developers, we have made the raw dataset that underlies the Discover Uni website available for download. This incorporates information from the Unistats record. The download is presented as a *.zip file containing the data in both XML format and multiple *.csv files.
Several of the courses featured in the Unistats dataset have very small numbers. As a result, a change of only one student can make a substantial difference to reported numbers; we would advise caution when reporting on courses with small numbers of students, particularly when making comparisons between courses.
The Unistats dataset contains many datapoints about courses offered by UK providers. In some cases the course is too small, or the response rates to surveys are too low, for the data to be published about the course specifically. In such cases, data describing the course is aggregated either across multiple years, or with other similar courses at the same provider. 041b061a72